Golf = Life

Much has been written about golf and how similar it is to life. For a non golfer it might all seem too fancy, but believe me it is the greatest sport in the world.

From a personal point of view, I feel that golf is a true reflection of life! Golf is one of the few games played normally without refrees or umpires and the player maintains his own score,a person who cheats in golf will cheat in life too. Isn't that a wonderful exercise to build character? At the amateur level all the players play on a level ground thorough an handicap system and the game is played against the course and not against an opponent, that enables you to bring out the best talent within you rather that better someone else's.

So if you are not into golf yet get up and get swinging. For Golf is Life.

Golfing Encounters

My golfing encounters have varied from fun to the bizzare. I play golf almost daily and enjoy doing so. I have a Spalding set and a 10 degree Callaway Big Bertha courtsey my brother. I have been playing this game for the past 4 years and have enjoyed every moment of it.

The essence of good golf is a good swing. The videos that follow are two views of my swing, so fellow golfers please feel free to contact me  to give your comments. I am using a  10 degree Callaway Big Bertha and the scenic course is the India Hose Golf Course, Thimphu, Bhutan.

It gives me great pleasure to introduce the game to new learners and I introduce the game through various easy lessons filled with fun.So, if you want to learn golf feel free to contact me.